Meet Senoirae, Our Founder & Chief Executive Officer

Connections in over 75 countries on 6 continents

Luxury, Wellness, Family, Adventure, and Culture

Ẹnlẹ́! Hello! Osiyo! Hola!

Imagine waking up in a foreign country and feeling at home with comforts you may not be used to and thinking this is a portion of my life that I have been needing.

I'm Senoirae, Life's Travel Designer, and I aim to connect people through immersive travel experiences that allow them to explore and enjoy the luxuries of life while also learning the local culture and rejuvenating their mind, body, & soul.

Despite my worldwide travel offerings, I've noticed that many tourists chose the same destinations, missing out on the diversity the world has to offer. That's why, after 25 years, my mission remains to help clients achieve their dreams of travel and remind them that the experiences we have in life are a direct result of our willingness to embrace them.

The world is full of cultures waiting to be explored. So, what are you waiting for? Let's make your travel dreams a reality.


  • Connections Luxury

  • ForbesBLK

  • American Society of Travel Advisors

  • Cornell University

  • US Black Chamber of Commerce / By Black

  • Female Founders Collective

  • Travel Commerce Network

  • United States Navy Veteran

  • XO Private

My Why is Driven by A Passion To Do Good For Others And My Integrity

A Life of Purpose & Philanthropy

Senoirae is Dedicated to the empowerment of Women, Children & Families Worldwide

Join us as we support The Children’s Heart Foundation in its efforts to advance the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of all congenital heart defect (CHD) patients to save, extend, and improve their lives by funding the most promising research. 

  • CHDs are the most common type of birth defect, affecting about 1 in every 110 babies born in the United States.

  • CHDs can be caused by a variety of factors, including genetics, environmental toxins, and infections.

  • Advances in CHD treatment and research have led to a significant improvement in the survival rate for children born with CHDs.

Message of hope:

If you know a child who has been born with a CHD, please know that there is hope. Thanks to advances in CHD treatment, most children can live long and healthy lives, just like our Heart Warrior, Gilly!